Wittenberg is scenic located and has a remarkable historic past. For further information please visit the hompage of Wittenberg by clicking here .
Arrival by Train
From Berlin
Wittenberg is well reachable by ICE. There is a continuous connection between Wittenberg and Berlin. The journey time is 45 minutes.
From Halle/ Saale
Wittenberg is reachable by regional train. During the day you have the opportunity to go by train once an hour. The journey time is one hour.
From Magdeburg – Dessau/ Roßlau
You can go by train hourly. The running time from Magdeburg is about one hour and 20 minutes and from Dessau/ Roßlau 40 minutes.
For detailed information of your train connection please check the homepage of "Deutsche Bahn" (German Railway), by following this link .
Train Shedule Berlin - Wittenberg / Wittenberg - Berlin
Train Shedule 8th of August Berlin to Wittenberg
train schedule August 8th Berlin - Lutherstadt Wittenberg.pdf
(15,5 KB) vom 07.06.2010
Train Shedule 12th of August Wittenberg to Berlin
train schedule August 12th Lutherstadt Wittenberg - Berlin.pdf
(13,4 KB) vom 07.06.2010
From Railwaystation to the Leucorea
Please use this Link to get an overview of the center of Wittenberg. (Hauptbahnhof means railwaystation)