Artikel 2001
Altenbach, H.; Kushnevsky, V.; Naumenko, K.: On the use of solid and shell type elements in creep-damage predictions of thinwalled structures. - In: Arch. Appl. Mech. - Berlin 71(2001). - pp. 164 - 181 ,
Altenbach, H. A Nonclassical Model for Creep-Damage Processes. - In: Mater. Phys. Mech. 3(2001). - pp. 25 - 35
Naumenko, K.; Altenbach, J.; Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, V.K.: Closed and approximate analytical solutions for rectangular Mindlin plates. - In: Acta Mechanica. - Wien 147(2001). - pp. 153-172
Meenen, J.; Altenbach, H.: A consistent deduction of von Kármán-type plate theories from threedimensional non-linear continuum mechanics. - In: Acta Mechanica. - Wien 147(2001). - pp. 1-17
Altenbach, H.; Stoychev, G.B.; Tushtev, K.N.: On elastoplastic deformation of cast iron. - In: Int. J. of Plasticity. - 17(2001). - pp. 719-736
Altenbach, H.; Tushtev, K.: Ein alternatives Fließkriterium für Graugußeisen. - In: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen. - Berlin H - 66(2001). - S. 179 - 184
Korjakin, A.; Rikards, R.; Altenbach, H.; Chate, A.: Free damped vibrations of sandwich shells of revolution. - In: Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. - Lancaster 3 (2001). - pp. 171 - 196
Altenbach, J.; Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.: Variational iteration for thin and moderatly thick plates. - In: Building Research Journal. - Bratislava 49 (2001) 4. - pp. 239 - 259
Altenbach, J.; Altenbach, H.: Trends in engineering plate theories. - In: Eksploatacja i Niezawodno Maintenance and Reliability. - Lublin (2001)4. - pp. 21 - 30
Altenbach, H.; Huang, C.; Naumenko, K.: Modelling of the creep-damage under reversed stress states by considering damage activation and deactivation. - In: Technische Mechanik. - Magdeburg 21(2001)4. - pp. 273 -282
Altenbach, H.; Tushtev, K.: A new static failure criterion for isotropic polymers. - In: Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Riga 37(2001)5/6. - pp. 731 - 742 (s. a. engl. Ausgabe Altenbach, H.; Tushtev, K.: A new static failure criterion for isotropic polymers. In: Mechanics of Composite Materials. - New York 37(2001)5/6. - pp. 475 - 482)
Artikel in Sammelbänden
Altenbach, H.: A generalized limit criterion with application to strength, yielding, and damage of isotropic materials. - In: Handbook of Material Modelling (ed. by J. Lemaitre). - San Diego et al.: Academic Press, 2001. - pp. 175 - 186