Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Artikel 2002

Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.: Shear correction factors in creep-damage analysis of beams, plates and shells. - In: JSME-Journal, Series A. - Tokyo 45 (2002) 1. - pp. 77 - 83

Altenbach, H.; Huang, C.; Naumenko, K.: Creep-damage predictions in thin-walled structures by use of isotropic and anisotropic damage models. - In: Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. - London 37 (2002) 3. - pp. 265 - 275

Altenbach, H.: Creep analysis of thin-walled structures. - In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Berlin 82 (2002) 8. - pp. 507 - 533

Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.; L'vov, G.T.; Pilipenko, S.N.: Numerical investigation of the elastic properties of short fibre reinforced composite materials. (in Russ.) - In: Vestnik Nacional'nogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta "`KhPI"', Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov, Tematicheskii Vypusk "Dinamika i Prochnost' Mashin". - Kharkov 8 (2002) 9. - pp. 7-14

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