Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Artikel 2009

 Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.: On the Time-Dependent Behavior of FGM Plates. Key Engineering Materials 399(2009). - pp. 63-70

Altenbach, H.: Some remarks on the paper ”A unified tensor approach to the analysis of mechanical systems” by A. A. Fogarasy and M. R. Smith. - JMES 50TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE PAPER 1. - Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part C: J. Mechanical  Engineering Science 223(2009)1. - pp. 143 - 155/DOI 10.1243/09544062JMES1141

Eremeyev, V.A.; Altenbach, H.; Morozov, N.F.: On the Effective Stiffness of Nano-Sized Plates with Surface Stresses (in Russ.). - Doklady Akademii Nauk 424(2009)5. 618-621 (engl. Ausgabe: Eremeyev, V.A.; Altenbach, H.; Morozov, N.F.: The Influence of Surface Tension on the Effective Rigidity. - Doklady Physics 54(2009)2.pp. 98-100)

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.: On the Linear Theory of Micropolar Plates. - In:  Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Berlin 89(2009)4. - pp. 242-256/DOI 10.1002/zamm.200800207

Kolupaev, V.A.; Bolchoun, A.; Altenbach; H.: Aktuelle Trends beim Einsatz von  Festigkeitshypothesen. - In: Konstruktion (2009)5. - S. 59 - 66

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.: On the Bending of Viscoelastic Plates made of Polymer Foams. - In: Acta Mechanica. - Wien 204 (2009)3-4. - pp. 137 - 154/DOI  10.1007/s00707-008-0053-3

Altenbach,H.; Eremeyev,V.A.: Eigen-vibrations of Plates made of Functionally Graded Material. - In: Computers, Materials & Continua 9(2009)2. - 153 - 177

Naumenko, K.; Altenbach, H.; Gorash, Y.: Creep analysis with a stress range dependent constitutive model. - In: Archive of Applied Mechanics. - Berlin 79(2009)6/7. - pp. 619 - 630/DOI 10.1007/s00419-008-0287-5

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.; Indeitsev, D.A.; Ivanova, E.A.; Krivtsov, A.M.: On the contributions of Pavel Andreevich Zhilin to mechanics. - In: Technische Mechanik. Magdeburg 29(2009)2. - pp. 115 - 134.11

Kröner, C.; Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.: Coupling of a structural analysis and flow simulation for short-fiber-reinforced polymers: property prediction and transfer of results. - In:Mekh. komp. mat. - Riga 45(2009)3. - pp. 367 - 378 (s. a. engl. Ausgabe Kröner, C.; Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.: Coupling of a structural analysis and flow simulation for short-fiber-reinforced polymers: property prediction and transfer of results. - Mech. Comp. Mat. 45(2009)3. - pp. 249 - 256)

Altenbach, H.; Brigadnov, I.A.; Naumenko, K.: Rotation of a Slender Particle in a Shear Flow: Influence of the Rotary Inertia and Analysis of Global Stability. - In:  Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Berlin 89(2009)10. - pp.  823 - 832 10/DOI 10.1002/zamm.200800249

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.; Lebedev, L.P.; RendŽon, L.A.: Acceleration Waves and Ellipticity in Thermoelastic Micropolar Media. - In: Arch. Applied Mechanics - Berlin (2009). - pp. 1 - 11/DOI 10.1007/s00419-009-0314-1

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