Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Konferenzbeiträge 2008

 Altenbach, H.; Meenen, J.: On the Different Possibilities to Derive Plate and Shell Theories. - In: IUTAM Symposium on Relations of Shell, Plate, Beam, and 3D Models (ed. by G. Jaiani and P. Podio-Guidugli). - Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - pp. 37 - 47

Altenbach, H.; Naumenko, K.; Pylypenko, S.; Renner, B.: Fibre rotation motion in homogeneous flows. - In:Micro-Macro Interactions in StructuredMedia and Particle Systems (ed. by A. Bertram and J. Tomas). - Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - pp. 139- 150

Altenbach, H.: Analysis of Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous Plates. - In: Lecture Notes on Composite Materials - Current Topics and Achievements (ed. by R. de Borst and T. Sadowski). - Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - pp. 1 - 36

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V.A.: Mechanics of functionally graded plates made of foams. - In: Mathematische Modellierung, Numerische Mechanik und Geophysik - Proc. VIth School-Seminar (17.-20.12.2007 Rostov/Don). - Rostov: ZVVR, 2008. -pp. 5 - 39

Altenbach, H.; Bolchoun, A.; Kolupaev, V. A.: Systematization of Combined Yield and Fracture Criteria. - In: Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Fundamentals of Fracture (ICFF VII). - Hong Kong & Guangzhou, January 3-7, 2008. - pp. 103 - 105

Altenbach, H.; Bolchoun, A.; Kolupaev, V. A.: Equivalent Stress Expressions for Isotropic Yield Behavior. - In: Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Fundamentals of Fracture (ICFF VII). - Hong Kong & Guangzhou, January 3-7, 2008. - pp. 268 - 269

Altenbach, H.; Kolupaev, V. A.: Remarks on Model of Mao-Hong Yu. - In: Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Fundamentals of Fracture (ICFF VII). - Hong Kong & Guangzhou, January 3-7, 2008. - pp. 270 - 271

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev,V. A.: Effective Properties of Plates made from Functionally Graded Materials. - In: Nonlinear Dynamics of Composite and Smart Structures - EUROMECH Colloquium 498 Conference Proceedings (Ed. by J. WarmiŽnski, M.P. Cartmell & J. Latalski). - Kazimierz Dolny,May 21 - 24, 2008. - pp. 67 - 70

Altenbach, H.; Eremeyev, V. A.: On the Application of Zhilin's Theory of Simple Shells to Plates made of Functionally Graded Materials. - In: Proc. of XXXVI Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics"(Ed. by D.A. Indeitsev & A.M. Krivtsov). - Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering RAS, St. Petersburg, 2008. - pp. 8 - 49

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